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Read on your social networks.Words more words less: society, here I give you back what I put into my body, and how expensive it has been, because you made me believe that this was the added value I needed to achieve my dreams.It seems significant to me that this phenomenon occurs at the same time that the importance of female empowerment is highlighted.It is worth noting that if the decision is completely free, the woman who decides to increase her bust is as empowered as the one who decides to decrease it and even remain completely flat and with scars.That is why the key point is to ask yourself the questions to determine how autonomous is the decision to go to the operating room in either of the two cases;as well as assuming the consequences fully knowing the risks that all surgery and all implants entail.I also see it as another manifestation, one of the bravest by the way, in which women free ourselves from the pressure of narrow beauty parameters, with which we were taught that we should look in a way that would please others, even at the expense of of our comfort, self-esteem and safety.So… world, dear world, do you understand?Listen well, without boobs there can also be paradise.(Read all the columns of Claudia Isabel Palacios Giraldo in EL TIEMPO, here)Register or log in to follow your favorite topics.For putting your face and charisma on a topic that many women want to shout about, but can't.You distract yourself with these and other aspects of form, the important substance of your messages.Is it fair that women have to contribute the same weeks as men and 5 years less?Colombia still cannot afford to bury its most accurate engine of development.The next government will surely straighten the course in this matter.You reached the content limit for the monthEnjoy unlimited content from EL TIEMPO DIGITAL.Sign up now!If you are already a subscriber to the newsletter* COP $900 / month for the first two monthsWe know that you like to always be informed.Create an account and you can enjoy:Create an account and you can enjoy our content from any device.COPYRIGHT © 2022 EL TIEMPO Publishing House NIT.860.001.022-7.Its total or partial reproduction is prohibited, as well as its translation into any language without the written authorization of its owner.ELTIEMPO.com all the main news from Colombia and the World