Day 90 of the dialogue tables: the original term expired without conformity

2022-10-13 13:53:19 By : Ms. Candy Fan

Day 90. Today, October 12, 2022, the deadline that had been originally established for the closure of the dialogue tables between the Government and the indigenous organizations expired.This is how it was defined at the signing of the peace agreement, after 18 days of national strike.However, there are still four tables that have not sealed their pact.Before 08:00 the green doors of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference were opened, in the north of Quito.Behind is Said, the doorman who has witnessed how the National Government authorities and leaders of Fenocin, Feine and Conaie have paraded there for the last three months to seek agreements and avoid new mobilizations.But the ghosts of a new national mobilization have not gone away.Dialogue agreements are not entirely satisfactory for some indigenous leaders.And they have until October 14 to close the tables that are missing: labor rights, education, health and targeting of fuel subsidies.Time flies.And that is well known to the Minister of Labor, Patricio Donoso, the first to arrive at the Episcopal Conference."We hope to conclude today or tomorrow at the latest," he says.He presumes that they have even worked the weekend and even the holiday with "effort, responsibility and patriotism."At the labor rights table, Donoso details that there have been agreements to strengthen labor inspectorates in the seven zones of the country, with the aim of carrying out controls to strengthen both parties: employees and employers.The Labor Minister, Patricio Donoso, referred to the labor rights table.Emerson Rubio / FIRST FIRSTWhen asked about job insecurity in flower and banana plantations, he responds with a phrase that seems more like an old-fashioned saying: “No, there is no job insecurity.Nothing is more precarious than not having a job.”And, on a controversial issue, he throws the ball.There are 1,500 health workers who were dismissed after the health emergency due to the pandemic.They are asked to be reinstated."We believe that this issue should be analyzed by the Ministry of Health, it is the one that should give us the parameters of the problem raised," he says.Gary Espinoza, president of Fenocin, who arrives a few minutes later, is critical: "There is a lot of resistance from the Ministries of Health and Labor."For him, if there is a law that establishes that doctors and nurses who were on the front line must be appointed, they must comply with it."They are very hard to give an answer at the health table," he insists.It is not the only thing that worries Espinoza.There was a state of emergency for the supply of supplies and medicines in hospitals.And yet, "we believe that the emergency decree has been a salute to the flag."He says that patients cannot be cured with paracetamol alone.As for the Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha, in the province of Esmeraldas, the leader of the Fenocin demands that it be reopened.Well, USD 50 million have been invested to build it and it has a capacity for 120 beds.But it has been closed since the time Rafael Correa was president, he explains.Despite this, Espinoza considers that the dialogue tables have been positive.And so far they have about 140 agreements ranging from legal reforms to new laws.“But let's see if they comply”, he blurts out suspiciously.Cisne Guayllas, part of the Ecuarunari (Confederation of Peoples of the Kichwa Nationality), also comes to the Conference to sit at the education table.He first excuses himself for not being able to be there the day before and then summarizes that they sent him information that they have advanced to point 11 of the corresponding 17, he does not say which ones.What he does affirm is that in the budgetary part there is no light."We've asked for an additional $800 million," he notes.And nothing.According to the Budget Execution, the Secretary of Higher Education (Senescyt) has provided USD 157 million for higher education, in 2022. Approximately USD 71 million have been accrued until October.Cisne Guayllas, from Ecuarunari, arrives at the Episcopal Conference.Emerson Rubio / FIRST FIRSTIn addition, they have requested quotas for students and that they can access the Senescyt.Scholarships within all the institutions received according to the percentage of the population of the towns and nationalities.“We consider that it is 21% of the needs that we require.”Also institutionalize the Amawtay Wasi university.“It is a university for peoples and nationalities that is established at 57 million dollars.”Guayllas, before entering the dialogue, states that the peoples and nationalities are not satisfied because what they require has not been met."For us it is not satisfactory," he concludes.While Saud, the doorman, confirms that all those who enter the dialogues are registered on some sheets that he does not release at all, the legal director of the Fenocin, Luis Mullo, insists on the work table."They are not willing on the part of the National Government, when we propose, for example, the reinstatement of former public officials."He says emphatically that he has also seen that at other tables there are signed documents, commitments, possible ministerial agreements and even executive decrees that would soon be signed, but in practice they do not feel it.After Friday, October 14, when the resolution of the ten dialogue tables is expected to be announced, an evaluation process will arrive.A monitoring group has been set up with the participation of social organizations and representatives of public institutions."We'll see what happens in 60 days," he says.It does make it clear that having attended the dialogue tables does not mean that they have renounced the right to resistance, that is, to mobilizations."But we are respectful, we cannot advance anything, we always agree with our bases."They will be vigilant of compliance, say the indigenous leaders.And also pending what will happen this October 13, when the most complicated table is dealt with: the targeting of fuel subsidies."It was said that the subsidy was for the poor and now we see that the government's desire is to give subsidies to the richest."Said takes care of the entrance, not everyone can enter.Emerson Rubio / FIRST FIRSTA little before noon, Said, the doorman who has worked there for more than ten years, says that people have gone out for recess.Some return with glasses full of colada morada.Others only carry bottles of water."Oh, this does take time," says Said.He remembers that two weeks ago, one day they stayed until 10:00 p.m.Today didn't seem to be any different.Lasso: "Ecuador declared drug trafficking as the first enemy of the State"According to President Guillermo Lasso, the State has drawn up a strategic security plan that will require an investment of more than USD 5,000 million.Andrés Seminario assumed the Ministry of Communication of the GovernmentPresident Guillermo Lasso took office in Seminario on the afternoon of October 12, 2022, after the resignation of Leonardo Laso.Castillo: "He started a new type of coup d'état in Peru"Allocation of resources causes friction in the Assembly-Government relationshipCommunication, the lame leg of the Government that does not finish workingPresident of Peru leads a criminal organization, says Prosecutor's OfficeMayor Viteri: "Guayaquil is willing to go to war"Lasso postpones the restructuring of the Police leadershipLasso responds to criticism with a dizzying official agendaFive announcements by the president that are not finishedSocial networks, quicksand that have swallowed several officialsGovernment and Correismo prevent approval of report on Coca CodoGovernment recalls power to dissolve the Assembly after resolutionGuillermo Lasso and Rafael Correa faced in new controversyThe case of María Belén Bernal is politicized in the AssemblyVillavicencio announces his resignation to the Presidency of the Control Commission