Domingo Cavallo, Corach and Eduardo Menem vindicated the 90s with an act in the Legislature

2022-10-12 09:08:07 By : Ms. Doris Cai

You have already exceeded the limit of read notes.Register for free to continue readingThe former menemist officials Domingo Cavallo, Carlos Corach and Eduardo Menem vindicated this Tuesday, in an act in the Buenos Aires Legislature organized by the libertarian deputy Ramiro Marra, the policies of the 1990s such as convertibility and privatization, and highlighted the figure of the deceased former president Carlos Menem, although they recognized that they were left pending to resolve the unemployment."We came to claim the 90's and recognize the great leader that was Carlos Menem, who led a great team and made the best government in history," said Marra during the activity that took place in the Golden room of the Buenos Aires Parliament, where a dozen officials who made up the Cabinet of that time were summoned.Guarded by security personnel outside the stable of the Legislature, the three leaders entered the room with "The Hymn to Joy" in the background to present the book "The Ninety", which compiles testimonies of men and women who participated in the management Menemist, some of whom were in the audience, such as Horacio Liendo, Julio Aparicio, Jorge Castro and Alieto Guadagni.For Corach, "nothing that was in the '90s could have been without Carlos Menem", about whom he considered that "he had the political conception of the search for inclusion and conciliation of the various sectors of politics" .Presentation of "The Nineties" his part, Cavallo defended the application of the convertibility plan as "a great achievement that allowed people to keep their savings in the country," for which he pointed out that "in order to get out of the current mess, it is necessary to think about returning to a like that".The former minister criticized "the compulsive pesification of the economy" adopted by former president Eduardo Duhalde "badly advised", and considered that "the issue that remained pending to be resolved was unemployment."In his turn, Eduardo Menem stressed that the book "is necessary as a contribution to the contemporary political and economic history of our country" and to reverse "the demonization" that was made around the management of his brother."In 1989 we received a bankrupt state," he maintained and listed some of the policies promoted, such as the privatization of public companies."Some leaders don't dare to apply them because they are politically incorrect," he said, noting that "almost all the privatized companies provided excellent service."The content you want to access is exclusive to subscribers.The legislator of the Front of All Juan Manuel Valdés said it.He considered that, until now, they have 30 of the 31 necessary supports.It is voted on Thursday in the Legislature.What is read nowThe Most ReadMEDIAKIT - JOURNAL FINANCIAL FIELD PAPERRATES - DAILY PAPER FINANCIAL AREAEditorial: Subscriptions: // +54 9 11 4556-9147/48 or +54 9 11 4449-3256Director: Julián Guarino - Copyright © 2019 Á - RNPI In process - Issn 1852 9232 All rights reserved - Terms and conditions of use