RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA – Another familiar face behind the wheel took a puff.This time it is about the star of the popular marquee series Horná Dolná.In addition to being an actor, Roman Slanina (49) is also a member of Parliament for Rimavská Sobota.The character of Kokos, which he portrays in the series, is permanently in alcohol, and this time some of that drop was also found in the blood of his representative.It was even painted by the mayor himself!Slovakia perceives Roman Slanina more like the eternally angry Kokos from the marquee series Horná Dolná.Together with Tunel and Bystro, they belong to the regulars of Tereza's pub.This time, however, the actor blew up in real life as well.According to information from the portal cas.sk, the police should have stopped him three weeks ago and subjected him to a breathalyzer test.Nothing was known until the mayor of Rimavská Sobota, Jozef Šimko, spoke.Photo gallery (11) Actor and member of Rimavská Sobota city council, Roman Slanina, got high three weeks ago.Source: TV MARKÍZAIt is precisely in this city that Slanina figures as a member of parliament.Three weeks ago, the serial Kokos was stopped by a police patrol in Zvolen when he was driving a truck.He exceeded the speed limit in the next lane, so they glared at him, which Mayor Šimko spoke about at the city council meeting."I received information that Mr. Slanina was driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol.I wanted him to inform the deputies and his voters whether it was true and how it happened," Šimko told Nový Čas.The actor himself finally commented on the whole situation, although at first he didn't want to talk."I will not comment on it, but it is a very small amount, which is related to my health condition, and at the moment procedural actions and an expert investigation are being carried out.It was not about consuming alcohol before driving, but about other things," defends Roman Slanina, who thinks that it was Šimko's plan to get away with this information.Photo gallery (11) In the series Horná Dolná, Roman Slanin plays Kokos, one of the three regulars eternally loaded with alcohol.Source: TV MARKÍZA"I have been treated for liver failure for years, I have overcome hepatitis B and I have a chronic disease.Mayor Šimko used it against me, because he goes into big politics and wants to disperse the level and attacks everyone for everything," explains the marquis.Well, we will find out what consequences will ultimately be drawn from it later.However, Slanina is not the only famous face whose breath was tested by the police.Several celebrities did not hesitate to get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol.While some stayed below the limit of one per thousand, others really flew away.In 2012, singer Ewe Farne and actor Richard Stanke managed not to exceed the unit limit in May this year.However, both were fined and banned from driving for a certain period of time.However, it was worse for other Slovak and Czech show business personalities.In 2009, singer and band leader Desmod Kuly drove with 1.25 per thousand in blood and lost his driver's license for 4 months.The farmer Nikola Komorová inflated 1.4 and did not even present the documents.In 2012, Lukáš Adamec "trumpled" her by two hundredths per thousand, for which he pocketed €1,500 and had his driver's license taken away for 20 months.Photo gallery (11) Singer Kuly was high in 2009 and had 1.25 per million in blood.Source: Jan ZemiarWhile the mentioned faces "squeezed" into one and a half per thousand, the others hardened even more.Actor Roman Luknár got away with a fine of €500 and disqualification from driving for 14 months at a blood alcohol level of 1.73.The husband of the actress Petra Vajdová, Martin Hrnčiřík, recently inflated a little more, 1.73 per thousand.And the brunette herself lost her driver's license 2 years ago when she blew up to 2.4 per thousand.However, other faces overtook the actress with a blood alcohol level.Superstar Robo Mikla blew 2.6 percent in 2008, and he already had one crash from 2007, when he finally admitted that he had been drinking.At the end of last year, Dáda Patrasová also got drunk in the Czech Republic, blowing exactly 2.5 per thousand, but so far, thank God, no one has caught Braň Mojsej.In 2012, a cured alcoholic had a blood alcohol level of 2.85.But one thing is certain, under no circumstances should you drink alcohol behind the wheel!Photo gallery (11) Braňo Mojsej is a record holder in high gear behind the wheel.2.85 per thousand is quite a lot!Source: Youtube BM{{ poll.title }} {{ question.text }} * {{ answer.text }} Evaluation Success {{ succeeded.percent }}% Number of correct answers {{ succeeded.count }}/{{ questions.length }} Contact form (data in the form will be used to contact you in case of winning) Name and surname Address Zip code email Telephone number Male Female I agree to the rules of the competition and the processing of personal data By sending the form, you 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