Learn about our plans and enjoy El País without limits.If you are already a subscriber you can login with your username and password.The Uruguayan José María Giménez, defender of Atlético de Madrid, regretted the draw against Brujas (0-0) at the Metropolitano because his team did "a lot to win the game" and assured that the dressing room is "motivated and excited" because, still, they depend on themselves to be in the round of 16."We are motivated and excited. We depend on us. Atlético de Madrid never had it easy. We are going to grit our teeth and give up our lives to qualify," he said in the mixed zone."It may be a downturn due to the result, but from there to falling apart... no. We made merits. The team did a lot to win the game. We deserved the victory, but we found a goalkeeper who stopped everything that was between the three sticks" he added."More than forcefulness, it's a bit of being colder. The rush to find the first goal often leads you to rush and hurry up in situations that you don't have to hurry up. What you have to do now is bite, clench your teeth and go forward to win the next two games, which is the only thing on our minds at the moment", he explained.A Giménez who did not come to assess why it is so difficult for Atlético de Madrid in recent seasons to pass the group stage of the Champions League."Looking for an explanation for that... we wouldn't find it. Many times you propose a game, the rival faces you in another way and catches you by surprise and you have to react quickly. The 'Champions' is fucked up, difficult. Every game is a final for to get through the group stage. And in our group we had rivals who are very good", he concluded.To comment on the news you must log in with the username and password chosen at the time of registration.If you are not registered yet, you can do so by going to User RegistrationDo not you remember your password?you can access Reset PasswordFrom this point you enter a virtual environment intended for the responsible exercise of freedom of expression.The messages will be instantly visible and will not be supervised by the El País newsroom.It is a self-regulated space for readers, who have mechanisms to report abusive use of it.Zelmar Michelini 1287, CP.11100, Montevideo, Uruguay.Copyright ® EL PAIS SA 1918 - 2022We think you are using an ad blocker and we want to tell you that advertising is one of our ways of generating income for doing journalismIt's usually in the upper-right corner of the screen.You may have more than one ad blocker installed.You may need to select an option from a menu or click a button.