Kicillof reviewed the progress of the construction works of the RA-10 Multipurpose Nuclear Reactor |Buenos Aires province

2022-10-12 03:28:02 By : Ms. Summer zhao

In addition, the Governor participated in the inauguration of the new building of the Dan Beninson Institute.The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, visited the Ezeiza Atomic Center (CAE) this morning, where he reviewed the progress of the construction works of the RA-10 Multipurpose Nuclear Reactor and participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new Institute building of Nuclear Technology Dan Beninson (IDB), launched within the framework of the National Plan for Nuclear Medicine.The Secretary of Energy of the Nation, Flavia Royón;the Buenos Aires Undersecretary of Energy, Gastón Ghioni;the president of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), Adriana Serquis;the Secretary of Planning and Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation and Vice President of CNEA, Diego Hurtado;the dean of the IDB, Carla Notari;and the mayor of Ezeiza, Gastón Granados.In this framework, Kicillof stressed that "we are writing a new milestone in the history of the Argentine atomic sector, whose development has been achieved from political and strategic decisions that were accompanied by strong investments from the State.""These projects position Argentina as one of the leading countries in nuclear technology and, at the same time, open up business opportunities for the generation of foreign exchange," he added."These are key initiatives for our conception of national development, since they are linked to sovereignty and independence," said the Governor.With an investment to date of 289 million dollars, the work on the RA-10 reactor is 75% complete and the contribution of more than 80% of local companies and institutions in terms of technology and associated services.It currently involves more than 80 firms and generates 1,500 jobs, articulating the joint work of the CNEA and INVAP SE.With a power of 30 MW and an implantation area of ​​3.85 Ha, it will replace the RA-3 reactor, which began operating in 1967 and will continue to operate for academic purposes."The National Government reaffirms its commitment to a sector in which Argentina has been a visionary and, based on this, has achieved global recognition," said Royón, adding: "These spaces are essential to channel linkage and transfer processes. technology, promoting highly trained human resources both for our country and for the world”.“This is a sector that still has a lot to give to the welfare of our society in terms of medicine, industrial activity and development,” he said.The complex will form a center for medical radioisotopes, science and nuclear technology unique in the country.It will also include the plants for the Production of Radioisotopes by Fission (PPRF);and Fuel Elements for Research Reactors (PIECRI);the Argentine Laboratory of Neutron Beams (LAHN);and the Irradiated Materials Testing Laboratory (LEMI).In this way, the annual sales volume projection exceeds 90 million dollars, which will consolidate Argentina's position in terms of nuclear export capacity.Meanwhile, Serquis emphasized that "one of the most important functions that we have as the National Atomic Energy Commission is to bet on education to continue thinking about the training of new human resources that are at the service of the development of nuclear technology."“These projects are the ones that generate recognition and give us global relevance,” he said.In this sense, the inauguration of the second IDB building aims to be the headquarters of the new Nuclear Engineering career with an application orientation, with the purpose of training specialized human resources from the undergraduate level to the maximum doctorate degree.It comprises two floors and has five classrooms, five laboratories (three conventional and two radiochemical with a measurement room);and library."This act has a very great symbolic value, because it means a clear visibilization of the education and training activities that are carried out at the institute related to nuclear energy technology applications," Notari explained, while underlining "the virtuous articulation between the CNEA and the University of San Martín, which keeps faith alive in the technological development of the country and, in particular, in the present and future of nuclear energy”.For his part, Mayor Granados remarked: "It is a pride to have a place like this in Ezeiza, not only for those of us who live here but for all the inhabitants of the province and the Nation."“With the inauguration of the institute, many young people will be able to come to study nuclear engineering, which will allow them to develop and, furthermore, will make it possible to increase exports of Argentine knowledge around the world,” he said.Finally, Kicillof stressed that "the nuclear sector is a pillar of our sovereignty and the State is the only one that can guarantee its continuity: we cannot again allow governments to deliberately underfund Argentina's nuclear projects."Also participating were the Chief of Advisors to the Governor, Carlos Bianco;the national deputy Daniel Gollan;the president of the Deliberative Council of Ezeiza, Dulce Granados;the manager of the RA-10 project of the CNEA, Herman Blaumann;the rector of UNSAM, Carlos Greco;and local officials.170 members of the institute participated.In addition, a mural was inaugurated to pay tribute to the workers of the Province.Based on an investment of 1,476 million pesos, the measure will be carried out starting next year and will benefit 47,000 university students.The agreement was signed by Governor Axel Kicillof and the president of the association, Claudio Tapia.