Business insolvencies have registered, as of September 2022, the highest rise in that month in the last 10 years.Thus, a total of 718 insolvencies have been recorded, 90.5% more than in the same period of 2021, reaching a cumulative figure in 2022 of 4,237 insolvencies filed.Until May, we found ourselves in an 'anesthetized' situation in the presentation of contests, with a negative annual cumulative of 7.3%.However, as of June, this trend has changed, with percentage growth occurring this quarter, reaching an accumulated growth of 11.1% in September.These are some of the main conclusions of the analysis carried out by Solunion.This acceleration, influenced by the macroeconomic deterioration in certain sectors, has as its main origin the end of the bankruptcy moratorium at the end of June and the need in the following months to present voluntary bankruptcy."After this abrupt change in trend, for 2022 our estimate is a growth in bankruptcy of over 20%. This projection will be conditioned by factors such as the impact that the new Bankruptcy Law may have, the pressure of inflation in all sectors, the high energy prices in the coming months or the difficulties of access to financing for certain companies", indicates Jochen Wilmes, director of Risks and Information of Solunion Spain.By sectors, services continue to be the largest generator of bankruptcy proceedings, followed by construction.Between them they group 55% of the total contests presented until September 2022.Regarding the percentage variations, the paper sector stands out, with an increase of 98%, followed by agri-food (50%) and telecommunications and computers, with 48%.In turn, the retail trade sector continues its upward trend and presents a variation of 29%, after having experienced an increase of 22% in 2021.For its part, the services sector shows a negative variation (-11%), conditioned in these first months by the good functioning of the Horeca Channel and tourism, with a decrease in the number of contests of 19.2% and 22.6 % negative, respectively.Lorena Coiduras: "This increase can be explained by the high prices of agricultural raw materials"The agri-food sector (primary sector, processing and wholesale/distribution), contributed almost 100,000 million euros to the Spanish economy in 2021, which represents a contribution of 9.2% of GDP.After a 2020 with a negative variation of competitions (19%) and a 2021 of zero growth, at the end of the third quarter of 2022 the agri-food sector shows a strong deterioration with an accumulated growth of 50%."This increase in a key sector for the Spanish economy can be explained by the high prices of agricultural raw materials in international markets, derived from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Spain, an importer of cereals and animal feed, has suffered from the escalation of prices that it has had to transfer to the production costs of the sector, and affect the final price of food", says Lorena Coiduras, coordinator of Risk Management and Reports of Solunion Spain.When looking at the data by subsector, the most impacted in terms of variation in the number of competitions is the primary sector, which has multiplied by 2.5, although it registered low data in 2021. In second place, processing and agri-food production, with an increase of 40% and, finally, agri-food wholesaler, with an increase of 35%.For the sector, a similar trend of increase is expected for the coming months, by accumulating cost overruns that are occurring in raw materials, production procedures, packaging, fuel, fertilizers or energy.As for large insolvencies, during 2022 a total of 37 bankruptcy proceedings were filed in companies with billings of more than 15 million euros, which reflects an increase of 19%.In the third quarter of 2022, there has been a strong increase in insolvencies of companies with billings between 15 and 50 million euros, recovering levels from the beginning of the year.By sectors, construction stands out in this third quarter, where 50% of the companies insolvent belong to the promotion subgroup.The agri-food sector also stands out, with an indistinct presence in different activity subgroups.By autonomous communities, until September 2022, the ones that registered the highest number of contests were Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia, which are the ones with the largest business fabric.The increase in the Basque Country stands out, after having a negative accumulated growth of 20% up to August, in this month of September it has experienced an increase of 133%, although the accumulated figure still shows negative values (5%).For its part, Murcia stands out with 111 insolvencies filed and a variation of +79% compared to the same period in 2021.50% of these competitions are mainly concentrated in two sectors: construction, which represents 23%, and services, with 23.5%. Continuing with the trend of previous months, the Autonomous Communities.linked to tourism, such as the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, continue to show negative percentage variations (20% and 8%, respectively).However, they could experience variations depending on how they behave once the summer campaign is over.