Our medicines - Sanofi France

2022-10-11 09:59:19 By : Ms. Pam Sheng

To meet the health needs of patients, we offer a wide portfolio of prescription drugs, the legacy of more than 80 years of French pharmacy history.If you have any questions about one of our products or if you wish to report an adverse reaction whether or not it is mentioned in the package leaflet, the Summary of Product Characteristics or the Legal Notice, contact us by following this link or by telephone :If you are a healthcare professional:From metropolitan France:From Overseas Territories:If you are a patient:You can also report to the health authorities, on the site signalement.social-sante.gouv.fr, any adverse event, adverse effect, incident or risk of incident related to a health product.By reporting adverse effects, you contribute to improving knowledge of the tolerance profile of products.In the event of a medical problem, seek the advice of your attending physician.The international non-proprietary name (INN) is the non-commercial name of an active substance (or active principle) of a medicine.It is attributed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be usable without ambiguity in a large number of countries.A medicinal product marketed under a brand name may be composed of several active substances and therefore of several INNs.Site intended for residents of France © Sanofi 2004-2022 - All rights reserved