Menem's book presented: "It is a great opportunity for youth to know what the '90s were really like" - El Economista

2022-10-11 04:35:04 By : Ms. Coco Chen

On Tuesday, at 3:00 p.m., the presentation of the book "The 90s: Menem's Argentina" will take place in the Golden Room of the Buenos Aires Legislature.The exhibitors will be Domingo Cavallo, Eduardo Menem and Carlos Corach (these last two were the compilers).The organizer of the meeting is Ramiro Marra, legislator of the City of Buenos Aires for La Libertad Avanza.The book reviews the Menemist decade and is a compilation of texts written by members of the political leadership of that time."It is a great opportunity for the youth to know what the '90s were really like and put aside the story that Kirchnerism has promoted," said Marra about the book.It has texts by Eduardo Amadeo, Julio Aparicio, Julio César Aráoz, Rodolfo Barra, Carlos Manuel Bastos, Claudia Bello, José Armando Caro Figueroa, Jorge Castro, Domingo Felipe Cavallo, Andrés Cisneros, Carlos Corach, Susana Decibe, Rodolfo Díaz, Orlando Ferreres, Alberto García Lema, Fernando García Pulles, Raúl Granillo Ocampo, Alieto Guadagni, Ricardo Gutiérrez, Germán Luis Kammerath, Alberto Lastelle, Horacio Liendo, Jorge Maiorano, Ricardo Mecca, Daniel Meilán, Eduardo Menem, Alicia Pierini, Jorge Raventos and Jorge Rodriguez.Economy + news from Argentina and the world in your emailIndicate your topics of interestAll Rights Reserved © 2022 El Economista |About us |Media Kit |Terms and conditions |Legal |Post legal noticesOwnership of Esecom SA RNPI No. 66640933